3 Christian Characteristics


An authentic follower of Jesus is real – not perfect, but honest, not deceitful, but candid, not hidden and always a sinner while redeemed as a saint. The authentic Christian is most of all free to serve, free to believe and trust God, free to live, free to love, and free to fail at it all. The authentic Christian lives with grace and mercy and peace that passes all human understanding, and therefore, is available to and affirming of others.


An available disciple is one who seeks to be present and aware of the needs of others and creation. An available disciple does not pray to escape the world but to be more fully invested in God’s world (see 6 locations of ministry). Prayer and action make a disciple available to be a tool of God’s work and will for the world. Jesus describes the available disciple as one who feeds the hungry, gives a cup of water to the thirsty, welcomes the stranger, clothes the naked, visits the sick, lonely and imprisoned.


An affirming Christian believes that all people, including self, are beloved and gifted children of God. Affirming Christians acknowledge, validate and encourage others rather than react with jealousy or pride. Affirming Christians are humble, grateful, and generous. People are drawn to affirming Christians.