LWR Coffee Available
Support Lutheran World Relief Need a Christmas gift idea? The Outreach Committee is offering a chocolate mixing spoon with every bag of coffee purchased. See display in narthex.
We are people who love Jesus and who want others to know the joy and purpose that come with following him.
We offer many opportunities to serve, from our Visitation Ministry to Card Ladies and our “handyman” Men at Work group.
Come and grow through programs for every stage of life, from special childrens’ activities to Adult Education.
View our weekly Sunday service from home…click the button below!
Please pray for:
John Schuenzel, Phil Pierce, Will Wege, Joanne Lamphear, Dawn Saxum, Barb Klippel, Doug Chase, Grete Schuenzel, Vivian Melby, Daryl Christenson, Dennis Marquardt, Michael Nelson, Eric Bernard, Lowell Kees, Becky Iverson, Joshua LeCuyer, Vic Wekkin, Kari Costa, Nancy Hubbard, Harold Tiffany, Dawn Brubaker, Allea Diehl, Rosalie Schreiber, Hayden Wege, and June Mueller.
Check out the Youth page for Children, Youth and Family announcements.
Support Lutheran World Relief Need a Christmas gift idea? The Outreach Committee is offering a chocolate mixing spoon with every bag of coffee purchased. See display in narthex.
Mark your calendars for these First Lutheran Christmas events: Sunday, December 15 Kids’ Christmas Pageant (Noisy Can Offering) Tuesday, December 17 Caroling at Care Centers (Please sign-up at the Welcome Center so we can have music available for all singers and make reservations for supper) Thursday, December 19 Lefse Making at Waters Edge (Please sign-up…
SAVE YOUR COINS – The Terrific Tuesday Kids are partnering with the Outreach Committee to support the Hayward Community Food Shelf. They will take a “noisy can offering” at their Christmas Pageant on December 15 during the 9:30 worship. Let’s start saving our coins and contribute to this important outreach! Thank you