Music and Worship

T-Coil – Our sanctuary has the T-Coil assisted listening system in which what is going through the microphones is fed directly to T-Coil enable hearing aids and listening devices.

Nursery – We do not staff our church nursery at this time but it is open during worship times and the service is piped into the nursery room.

Music and Worship Committee – oversees all worship and music activities. New members are always welcome to attend the meetings. We appreciate new ideas to keep our worship services fresh. Questions or ideas may also be brought to the committee chair.


The choir rehearses year-round on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary and welcomes all who like to sing! They sing at various worship services. Patty Van Landschoot is the choir director.

The Spirit Within

Our praise band. They play and sing at worship services and participate in various events in the community such as the Musky Fest parade and Relay for Life.

Hear them in the videos below

Altar Guild

The altar guild welcomes new members. We ask that each member serve for two – three months per year. This involves preparing the altar for communion on Saturday mornings and then being on hand during one of the three services to reset for the next service or put communion ware away. It is our responsibility to change paraments when required and care for the altar area of the church. We also set the altar for funerals, weddings, and baptisms. There is usually 6-8 people that help in this capacity each month.

Assisting Ministers

Congregation members who serve as assisting ministers share in leading worship with the pastor. Assisting ministers have a role in the liturgy including reading scripture, offering prayers for the people and helping with communion. Training and oversight are available for this important element in our worship services. We would encourage you to consider this opportunity for serving.

Worship Assistants

We always welcome new assistants, and we are happy to provide training in all areas of service for our weekend worship services. Sign-up to serve on the bulletin board in the Narthex in these roles:

  • Acolyting- lighting candles and assisting during worship
  • Altar Guild – caring for and presenting the worship elements
  • Coffee Host – serving coffee and treats between Sunday services
  • Communion Bread Baking
  • Greeters – welcome people to worship
  • Music – share your gifts through choir, band, and special music
  • Projectionist – run the slide show and guide us through worship
  • Ushers
  • Videographer – record worship so that our shut-in members may watch the service
  • Worship Assistant – read the lessons and assist with Communion

Communion Bread

Each week First Lutheran Church serves Norwegian flatbread for communion, rather than the traditional wafers. A volunteer from the church bakes the bread on Saturday and brings it to the church by 4 p.m. so that it can be used for the Saturday and Sunday services that weekend.

Gluten-free waivers are available for each service.