Card Makers
The card markers recycle store-bought greeting cards to make new greeting cards, which they sell in the narthex at a very reasonable price. They welcome you to join them for a fun time crafting. If you would like to donate greeting cards, there is a designated box for them in the narthex.

Men at Work
This is a handyman ministry of the congregation to serve members and worthy community causes.

Scandinavian Dinner and Bake Sale
Every fall (first Friday of November) First Lutheran Church highlights its ethnic origins with a Scandinavian dinner that is organized and sponsored by First Lutheran Church Women, with help from lots of other people. Proceeds are directed to a variety of benevolence projects. Click for more information

Community Meal
First Lutheran hosts a community supper on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00 p.m. for those in the community who are in need of a good meal and fellowship. Members of the congregation also participate. The meal is prepared by organizations and individuals within the congregation as well as others within the community. There is an opportunity to contribute on a free-will basis if so desired.

Operation Christmas
Operation Christmas provides a box of food and a gift for each child under 18 in any family in the community requesting this help. Over 200 families are provided with almost a week’s worth of food. Gifts are given to children. This is an ecumenical project with Hayward United Methodist Church and Ascension Episcopal Church taking part, as well.

Visitation Ministry
The visitation ministry provides a Christian ministry to those who are home-bound, or those living in nursing homes. After brief orientation sessions, visitors make regular visits to a specified person or persons. The group meets periodically to discuss questions they may have, receive new information or materials and support for each other. Confidentiality is imperative.

Cover Girls
The Cover Girls meet at 9:00 a.m. on the second and third Thursday each month in Fellowship Hall to make quilts, which are then sent to Lutheran World Relief or donated to needs within our community. You do not need to be a seamstress to attend…if you can tie a knot, you can be a Cover Girl (or Cover Man!)

Shawl Ministry
Purls of Prayer meets the third Saturday each month at 9:30 a.m. in the church library. Through the prayer shawls that they create, this outreach ministry brings love, comfort and prayer to those in need. Everyone is welcome to join us for a wonderful time of knitting and crocheting, devotion, fellowship and treats!

Other Outreach Projects & Outreach Minutes
Opportunities to Serve:
- Donations for Hayward Schools – depending on the need we gather items for the schools
- Hayward Community Food Shelf – donated food and hygiene items are picked up by the Food Shelf every Monday.