Virtual Activities

This is a current list of virtual activities. Please contact the church office to obtain the link to the Zoom meeting or click on the link access below.

Note for all small group leaders at First Lutheran. All small groups can gather though some may choose to Zoom. Please contact Church office to schedule.

Good practices for online meetings using the software Zoom:

  1. Download the meeting software prior to the meeting – go to
  2. Select a quiet room/location, turn off anything making noise in the background (TV, radio, appliances) and put pets in a different room or have them in a place where they will be most quiet.
  3. Mute your computer unless you’re talking. If everyone’s microphone is turned on at the same time, the sound quality can be an issue and it can be hard to hear the person who is talking. The best policy is to mute yourself when you are not talking. If you are muted, make sure to nod your head and listen well so people can recognize you are following them. You will be muting and unmuting a lot, so get used to it. Also, you’ll get called out if you don’t unmute, so don’t be offended.
  4. Create a plan for participants to indicate they’d like to talk. Since participants will often be muted, having a plan will help you know when to mute and unmute. You may try something like raising a hand, answering in a specific order, or another signal.
  5. Don’t share the Zoom link publicly on social media, instead provide a direct contact to get the link.