Fellowship: Book Across the Bay Feb 15

Fellowship Committee has booked a bus for Book Across the Bay. It would be $28/person if we end up with 15 people, less if we have more participants. Feel free to invite more! The bus holds more than 40 people. We anticipate the bus leaving First Lutheran parking lot about 3:30 on Sat Feb 15,…

Lenten Soup & Pies Mar 5-Apr 9

Lent Begins on March 5 with Ash Wednesday. During the Lent, on Wednesdays (March 5 -April 9) we gather for Soup and Pie at 11am and worship at both noon and 6pm. Cooks and Bakers we are looking for three soups that would serve at least 10 apiece and 3 pies every Wednesday March 5th…