Outreach – socks & sweatpants, etc

The Outreach Committee will be collecting socks and sweatpants for K through 3rd grade children. We want to have these clothes available when school starts. Accidents happen.  They could also use shoes and sweat tops.  Thanks to the congregation in advance

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Outreach Committee – Cash for Cans

Outreach Committee wants to mention that it has restocked Cash for Cans envelopes.  While our pantries are legally obligated to NOT buy hygiene items like soaps and tissues and cleaners, they purchase food from Second Harvest Food Banks and are able to buy 7 pounds for a dollar, 14 cents a pound!  All donations are…

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Many Hands Day – July 25, 8:30

Many Hands Day, Thursday, July 25th, 8:30am to lunch.  Hanging dry erase board in youth room, putting up shelves in youth room, remove invasive honeysuckle, clean and oil church pews, edge sidewalks, make a Habitat run, put in a drainage ditch between shed and chapel, fix fence around air exchanger.  Lunch will be Chicago Style…

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Thank You from Bible Camp Kids!

HUGE SINCERE THANK YOU!  From all the kids who attended Bible Camp, their parents, and Julie, THANK YOU to everyone who financially and prayerfully supported this important ministry!  It was awesome!

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Sanctuary Improvements

The Sanctuary Improvements are almost all done. All that is left is a monitor TV for the back sanctuary wall, a monitor TV for the Northex overflow, and the connectors to make the TVs in the Sanctuary, the Narthex, and the Lounge show what is being broadcast live. The cost to finish the project is…

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Choir Members Wanted!

More Choir Members wanted!  All parts welcome.  If you can carry a tune you’re qualified.  All parts welcome.  The choir rehearses Wednesday at 6 pm and sings for two Sunday services and one Saturday service per month.  Please contact Patty at 715-634-0379 for more details.

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